Sunday, February 27, 2011


So, last Monday (2/21), Leah, Amber, My Mom (thank goodness she was with and I headed to the clinic. I had made a 10:40 appointment for Leah. She got in promptly. Doctor didn't think it was strep (she apparently didn't have classic signs), but he did do a quick strep. He asked if I was going to wait. I said yes...because Amber and I were also experiencing the same symptoms, and if Leah had strep, then we probably needed to get checked. Doctor says it'll take about 20-30 minutes. After 40 min, I go and ask...sure enough the results are back (not sure why we were not notified). Leah has strep. Okay, so can Amber and I get seen? Let me ask the doctor what he wants to do. Okay. So, 20 min later, I go back up to the desk. Well??? Oh, he sent down prescriptions for all 3 of you (okay, but still not sure why I wasn't notified). So, go to the pharmacy to let them know we are going to wait. Then we head to the cafeteria to kill some time. Get back to the pharmacy. I have pills, Leah has liquid, Amber has pills. Really, pills for a 1 year old????? So, again we have to wait as they get approval to change Amber's medication from pills to liquid. FINALLY we leave the clinic at 1:15. I was exhausted as were the girls. So glad I was not driving! Thanks Mom. Once we got home, first dose of meds...Amber to nap and Leah, my mom and I watched Toy Story 3.

On Tuesday (2/22), Amber had her 1 year check up. We were told to still come, so we did. Not only did she have strep, but a double ear infection. WoW! What a trooper she is.

Amber's 1 year stats:
Height: 28.75 inches (38%)
Weight: 22lbs 6.4oz (72%)

I am happy to say that we all are doing much better now. I would say I am fully recovered and that the girls are between 80-90%.

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