Sunday, February 20, 2011

Leah and Amber's Birthday Party - Family 2/19/11

We had a fantastic turnout to celebrate Leah's 6th birthday and Amber's 1st birthday.
Nonna, Grandpa
Grama Mary
Auntie Sara
Uncle Steve and Aunt Linda
Aunt Karen and cousin Chris
Aunt Pat
Nikki (niece), Cory and Emilee
cousin Chris S
Amber's Godparents Rick and Jaclyn, Kaylee, Kurtis, and Kaysee
Surrogate Aunt Sara and Michael
Coming a little late, but so glad they could make it...Beth and Rob
I hope every one had a great time. I know I was so happy that all of them made such an effort to help us celebrate our girl's birthdays. It really meant a lot too me. I know it got crowded in our house, and made me wish for a bigger house, but we managed. Unfortunately Dan and Tiff and the girls couldn't make it because the girls had strep. Bummer.
Leah had had a rough night the night before. She threw up at about 1 in the morning. She seemed to be doing better, so we went along with the party (I warned the parents). By mid party, I noticed that she didn't have her usual zest, but she did have a great time. After most had left, with Nonna and Auntie Sara remaining and Rob and Beth just arriving, she told me she didn't feel good. I asked her if she felt like she was going to throw up. She said no, but not 10 sec later, Amber and I were showered with it. Ugh. Leah and Amber got baths and I took a shower. Glad mom and Sara were there to help out! Thought that Leah was feeling better this morning. So, Joe and I went along with our plans to go to the Wild game with Dan and Tiff. My parents are watching the girls until tommorow since there is no school. Leah, it seems, is sick. She took a 4 hour nap this afternoon (unheard of). She has an appointment with the doctor tommorrow. I will keep you posted.
Amber was great during the party. She did have to go take a nap midway threw opening the presents. I guess the craziness of the day wore her out! She had fun playing with the kids and entertaining the adults (and even playing with some of them). We discovered that she is a fan of mega blocks (good call Rick and Jaci). She was not a fan of cake, eating it anyway, but she did have fun playing with it (especially the candle). She required a bath after her cake as she had frosting everywhere- face, back, legs, chest, tummy!! This was the first bath that she would take in 3 hours! She was so worn out by the end of the day that she fell asleep in a matter of minutes when she went to bed for the night.
What a truely fun day (with the exception of the last incident of the night) shared by our family and extended family!!! Thank you all for helping us celebrate.

1 comment:

jaclyn said...

She was beautiful! Love her some much. Glad both girls had a wonderful party!