So, last Monday (2/21), Leah, Amber, My Mom (thank goodness she was with and I headed to the clinic. I had made a 10:40 appointment for Leah. She got in promptly. Doctor didn't think it was strep (she apparently didn't have classic signs), but he did do a quick strep. He asked if I was going to wait. I said yes...because Amber and I were also experiencing the same symptoms, and if Leah had strep, then we probably needed to get checked. Doctor says it'll take about 20-30 minutes. After 40 min, I go and ask...sure enough the results are back (not sure why we were not notified). Leah has strep. Okay, so can Amber and I get seen? Let me ask the doctor what he wants to do. Okay. So, 20 min later, I go back up to the desk. Well??? Oh, he sent down prescriptions for all 3 of you (okay, but still not sure why I wasn't notified). So, go to the pharmacy to let them know we are going to wait. Then we head to the cafeteria to kill some time. Get back to the pharmacy. I have pills, Leah has liquid, Amber has pills. Really, pills for a 1 year old????? So, again we have to wait as they get approval to change Amber's medication from pills to liquid. FINALLY we leave the clinic at 1:15. I was exhausted as were the girls. So glad I was not driving! Thanks Mom. Once we got home, first dose of meds...Amber to nap and Leah, my mom and I watched Toy Story 3.
On Tuesday (2/22), Amber had her 1 year check up. We were told to still come, so we did. Not only did she have strep, but a double ear infection. WoW! What a trooper she is.
Amber's 1 year stats:
Height: 28.75 inches (38%)
Weight: 22lbs 6.4oz (72%)
I am happy to say that we all are doing much better now. I would say I am fully recovered and that the girls are between 80-90%.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Leah and Amber's Birthday Party - Family 2/19/11
Nonna, Grandpa
Grama Mary
Auntie Sara
Uncle Steve and Aunt Linda
Aunt Karen and cousin Chris
Aunt Pat
Nikki (niece), Cory and Emilee
cousin Chris S
Amber's Godparents Rick and Jaclyn, Kaylee, Kurtis, and Kaysee
Surrogate Aunt Sara and Michael
Coming a little late, but so glad they could make it...Beth and Rob
I hope every one had a great time. I know I was so happy that all of them made such an effort to help us celebrate our girl's birthdays. It really meant a lot too me. I know it got crowded in our house, and made me wish for a bigger house, but we managed. Unfortunately Dan and Tiff and the girls couldn't make it because the girls had strep. Bummer.
Leah had had a rough night the night before. She threw up at about 1 in the morning. She seemed to be doing better, so we went along with the party (I warned the parents). By mid party, I noticed that she didn't have her usual zest, but she did have a great time. After most had left, with Nonna and Auntie Sara remaining and Rob and Beth just arriving, she told me she didn't feel good. I asked her if she felt like she was going to throw up. She said no, but not 10 sec later, Amber and I were showered with it. Ugh. Leah and Amber got baths and I took a shower. Glad mom and Sara were there to help out! Thought that Leah was feeling better this morning. So, Joe and I went along with our plans to go to the Wild game with Dan and Tiff. My parents are watching the girls until tommorow since there is no school. Leah, it seems, is sick. She took a 4 hour nap this afternoon (unheard of). She has an appointment with the doctor tommorrow. I will keep you posted.
Amber was great during the party. She did have to go take a nap midway threw opening the presents. I guess the craziness of the day wore her out! She had fun playing with the kids and entertaining the adults (and even playing with some of them). We discovered that she is a fan of mega blocks (good call Rick and Jaci). She was not a fan of cake, eating it anyway, but she did have fun playing with it (especially the candle). She required a bath after her cake as she had frosting everywhere- face, back, legs, chest, tummy!! This was the first bath that she would take in 3 hours! She was so worn out by the end of the day that she fell asleep in a matter of minutes when she went to bed for the night.
What a truely fun day (with the exception of the last incident of the night) shared by our family and extended family!!! Thank you all for helping us celebrate.
Amber is ONE - 2/19/11
It is so hard to believe that it has already been 1 year since Amber made her entrance into our lives. I have enjoyed every minute of watching her grow. It truly is an amazing adventure. Here is what she has been up to over the last month. It's been a fun one!!
*Sings herself to sleep
*2 moods: Happy and Hungry
*First time on an amusement park ride - Nickelodeon Universe 1/23/11
*Plays peek a boo with her blanket when she is put to bed
*She gets upset when mommy or daddy is holding Leah...that is Amber's lap. She has pushed Leah, pulled Leah's hair, and screamed at Leah. Oh, and the looks that Amber gives! Wow!! We have been told that this is something she does at daycare and with Nonna as well! She is a bit possessive of her "laps."
*Daddy has nicknamed her "The Enforcer." She seems to be very strong willed and determined.
*Eating more and more table food. She just loves mac and cheese.
*Another molar - 2/3. She has been a breeze when it comes to teething!
*She is perfecting getting down from the couch all by herself
*She follows simple directions (sit down, get dolly)
*She understand things (goes to her highchair when asked if it is time to eat)
*She can squat without support, pick something up, and stand back up without falling
*Sleep great at night, take 2 naps during the day
*She waves hi and bye
*She is learning how to blow kisses
*She snuggles when she is tired
*First Ponytail (put in at daycare) - 2/7/11
Leah's 6th Birthday Party - 2/13/11
Leah had her birthday party at Brunswick Zone in Blaine. She had a lot of fun with all of her friends - Austyn, Michael, Thea, Kaylee, Haley, Rachel, Abby, Morgan, Bailey and Delila. They got to bowl (moonlight bowl style) for 1 1/2 hours, eat pizza, have cupcakes (the only thing that we had to provide) and then they got a $5 card to play games. Intermixed in the bowling was some dancing, opening presents and eating. At first Leah was a little worried when the lights went out for the moonlight bowling, but she got over it quickly. We were able to stop the "bowling pin man" from coming over to our lanes as he made his rounds. Leah did notice him, he was okay at a distance, but she did get worried if he got too close! All this was organized and run by our "Party Hero," so mom and dad got to enjoy the show which was great. Leah came home with a signature bowling pin signed by all of her guests as well as a bowling pin water bottle.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Interview with Leah
Name? Leah Lorraine Benner
Age? 6
School? Isanti Primary School
Grade? Kindergarten
Favorite thing to do at school? Play with my friends
What is your favorite color? Purple
What is your favorite song? "Love Story" Taylor Swift
What is your favorite thing to do? Color
What is your favorite food? Waffles
Where is your favorite place to go? Pump it up (we have not been there in over 1 year)
What is your favorite sport? Swimming
What is your favorite thing to do at home? Play with my sister (oh, so sweet, and there was no leading for that answer)
What is your favorite animal? Jaguar
Why do you like Jaguars? Because Amy does (who is Amy?)
What is your favorite letter? L
What is your favorite number? 10
What is your favorite day of the week? Monday
Would you rather color a picture or read a book? color a picture
What is your favorite book? Franklin in the Dark
Hugs or kisses? Hugs
What is your favorite movie? Tangled
What is your favorite time of the year? Summer because you get to wear tank tops
Who do you like to play with? At home: Michael, Thea, Morgan...At School: Haley, Rachel, and Samantha
What is your favorite restaurant? McDonald's
What is your favorite game? Catch
Who is your favorite singer? Taylor Swift
What is your favorite memory of the last year? Going to the cabin, being a flower girl
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Happy Birthday Leah!
Wow, it is hard to believe that Leah is 6 (okay, technically she is not 6 for another 10 hours)! I am amazed at how much she has grown this year (physically and cognitively). So here is a little about who Leah is at 6:
- Loves to socialize
- Is a fabulous big sister!
- Is doing well in Kindergarten
- Starting to read
- Still has a hold on "Baby"
- Doesn't like people dressed in full costume...mascots, cartoon characters, etc
- Likes to color, play dress up, sing, dance, play games, put puzzles together, and do crafts (she even has started her first scrapbook)
- At various times this year she has or is taking swimming, skating and gymnastics
- Doesn't always listen well (at least to Mommy and Daddy)
- Dramatic
- Likes to be busy
- Has started to fix her hair in the morning...ponytails, barrettes, and headbands!
- Can sing the first line of a song just by hearing the first few musical notes (even when she has only heard the song a few times
- Favorite singer is still Taylor Swift
- Has lost 2 teeth: 11/20/10, 2/4/11 (middle bottom teeth)
- Did I mention Dramatic??
- Can write the alphabet, even write some words by sounding out the letters (okay, so not always spelled correctly, but you can tell what she is trying to say. For example: "my mittens are socing wet." Picture the s backwards)
- Can write her numbers to 40, will count to 130 (then she gets bored)
- Picky eater
- Favorite color changes but is usually pink or purple
- Very playful, imaginative and observant
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