I had a visit with the perinatologist (obstetrical subspecialist concerned with the care of the mother and fetus at higher-than-normal risk for complications) today. Just a preventative visit since Leah was a premie. During the visit, they did an ultrasound. Here are baby's first pictures (at 15 weeks)...
It was great. Joe and I were able to see the heart pumping, the blood flowing from the umbilical cord, the baby moving (a lot)-- this one likes to kick. Though it is still early, a 90% guess of a girl was predicted. We will not be sharing this info with Leah yet! She (?) measures about 4oz and 3-4 inches long.
So, the perinatologist's recommendation was that I get these weekly shots (starting about 16 weeks until 36 weeks). The shots are called 17P (a type of progesterone). The only side effect- my bum is going to be sore! There is good research that indicates that these shots prevent pre-term labor. Good news- other than the shots, it looks like I will follow with the midwives as I did last pregnancy and no other preventative measures need to be taken at this time.
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