Monday, April 7, 2014

Dare we say it...Spring is finally here!!!

Wow! It is hard to believe that it is already April. The snow is FINALLY melting, and maybe will be gone by the end of the week (one can only hope). We have been trying to survive the winter from…well, you know! It has been long, cold and full of snow. We are so excited to see a hint of spring finally.
So, how did we pass the last few months, you ask…

Leah – well, she is addicted (yes addicted is correct) to her rainbow loom and is constantly teaching herself new bracelets, headbands, charms, etc with the help of you tube videos. She is trying to learn how to play the guitar. This is a bit of a struggle. I don’t think she really understood how much practice would be involved. And, as always, she is working on her gymnastics!'

Amber- well, she is addicted to “Elsa” (or Frozen to most). She watches it almost every day that I think Leah is starting to avoid watching it when she can! She is also working on her matching skills by playing her favorite Disney Matching game. She loves to color and write as well. Oh, and she loves to play on her Leap Pad too. Yes, the age of technology! Amber is taking swimming lessons as well and she is doing amazing!

Some fun activities over the past month to survive this brutal extended winter:
2/17/14: Mall of America to celebrate the girls’ birthdays – lunch at American Girl, Rides and Sea Life. So much fun!!
2/24/14: Amber went to her first Sleepover birthday party to celebrate her friend, Nataleigh’s 5th birthday. Leah was also invited. They had such a wonderful time. Amber is so excited to have another sleep over at her house!!
3/5/14: Nonna, the girls and I drove to Eau Claire to meet the newest Duffy – Little Miss Ava! So precious. Apparently, Amber is still very possessive of her mommy. I was really not given much opportunity to hold Ava as Amber would need me as soon as I tried to hold Ava!!
3/23/14: the girls celebrated their cousin Thea’s 8th birthday.
3/29/14: Family celebration of Thea’s 8th birthday!
3/30/14: Mommy/daughter shopping day with Leah, Kaylee, Jaci and me at the MOA! So much fun!!

What else did we do?
We also played in the snow when it was not brutally cold outside!  The girls and daddy played legos.Oh, and we watched movie, played games on our nook/leap pad, and we bugged each other!! :) But we did survive!

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