Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Birthday Craziness!

It’s been a birthday crazy couple of weeks!
2/8/14 – It all started when the girls had their joint “friends” party at Zero Gravity (an indoor trampoline park). What a great time, and the girls loved every minute of it. This was Amber’s first year having a “friends” party, so it was a pretty big deal for her. Next year we will celebrate each girl’s birthday on different days, but I thought I could still get away with it for another year!
2/10/14 – Leah’s actual birthday. I took a half day off of work, so I could “surprise” her at lunch. I am not sure it is much of a surprise anymore since I have been doing this since she was in kindergarten, but she still acts surprised for me anyway!! We capped off her birthday evening with dinner at Applebee’s with Nonna, Grandpa, and Grandma Mary joining us. She loved being sung to at the restaurant, but was most excited about her molten lava cake!!
 2/12/14- HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY DAD, Grandpa Jim. With the girls’ birthdays surrounding his, it is sometimes not celebrated as it should be and thus needs to be acknowledged more!
 2/16/14 – The girls had a joint “family” birthday party. It was another fun day! I even had a bonus couple of hours spent chatting with my friend, Jaclyn and Amber and Kaysee had extra play time (she had a little mix up on the time). The girls had a blast with their cousins and close family friends. Could not have asked for a better day! Thanks to all who were able to make their day special!
2/17/14 – I took the day off of work, the kids had the day off of school (President’s Day), so we had a play day at the Mall of America. Nonna, Leah, Amber and I checked out Sea Life in the morning. The girls went through the entire place in ½ hour! Really!! Nonna, Aunt Tiffanie, Thea, Delila, Amber, Leah and I all had lunch at the American Girl Doll Café! They just love having lunch there! Their dolls had their hair done while the girls went on rides. Amber went on the Pepsi Roller Coaster (a regular size roller coaster) for the first time, and loved it! Leah is still very timid with rides. She did go on the roller coaster that last time we were there, but, even though it was her idea, she did not go on it this time! 
 2/18/19 - Since we would not be able to do a birthday dinner on her actual birthday because she had dance, we took her to her out to her celebration dinner at Chili's. She most loved her birthday brownie, she was giving me the look when I tried to steal some of it!!
2/19/14 – Amber’s actual birthday. I was so happy to spend the day with my baby girl since I am off on Wednesdays!  She chose to have lunch at Subway! We then went to Adventure Park (an indoor play place) where she played for about 2 ½ hours. She was pretty wiped out tonight when she got home from dance class!

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