Monday, January 9, 2012

12/28/11 Sugar Cookies

We have made sugar cookies at my mom's house since Leah was Amber's age (we started in 2006). This year we weren't able to do it before Christmas, but we made up for it after the holiday! My mom, Tiffanie, Thea, Delila, Leah, Amber and I all participated in the sugar cookie bake. Even though Leah and Thea are now more independent in the whole cookie peparation and decorating, their attention to these tasks is very limited. However, Delila and Amber were working on cookies from start to finish with their interest never wavering! Leah and Thea were a bit more interested in playing with their American Girl Dolls, but they also had fun making cookies! Amber was super happy when the frosting came out! I am really surprised that she did not get sick with the amount of frosting she ate! I think all the girls had a blast. I am so happy that we have this tradition, and I hope that they continue to want to do this when they are teenagers!

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