Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Eve 2011

Christmas Eve:
Shorty, Joe’s dad, came to visit. He arrived from Michigan on Thursday, Dec. 22. Leah was excited to see him, but Amber had to warm up to him. It didn’t take long. She was calling him “papa” by Friday morning!

We spent Christmas Eve at my parent’s house with Dan, Tiff, Thea and Delila. We spent the day opening presents, making Ravioli, going to church, eating, and opening more presents. The girls were opening presents throughout the day and made off with quite the load of gifts. They also had great time playing with each other. It was fun to watch Leah and Thea jam to the music after Leah opened her Ipod.

Some of Leah’s gifts: Ipod (fully loaded and ready to go thanks to daddy), DS with games (Leah is really getting into the DS now), American Girl doll horse, guitar/microphone, clothes/hat, craft activities, nail polish

Some of Amber’s gifts: puzzels, crayons, felt purse, legos, clothes, big stuffed puppy, bike helmet

What a crazy, fun, enjoyable day. Joe and I made out pretty good too! Thanks to all who made this day so great!!

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