Saturday, November 26, 2011

I can't believe November is already over!

I feel like it was just Halloween and now November is almost over! I am not sure where this month went! We've been busy with normal stuff - school, work, dance (Leah), and just trying to keep up our crazy girls! We have had some fun thrown birthday (I got my first smart phone - Leah and I are addicted), scrapbooking with my gals, and Thanksgiving.

Oh, and the girls' daycare moved into a new free standing building which they built - BEAUTIFUL. They opened this building on 11/21. I had difficulty getting the girls to leave both nights they were there last week. The good thing, they could care less when I leave in the morning! So, on Monday when I went to pick them up, it took me 10 minutes to get Amber to agree to leave without throwing a fit. What did you do, you ask? Well, I promised her we would go home and make waffles! Yes, she loves waffles. What is even better, she loves to help make them. She is very interested when anyone is cooking anything.

Shockingly, I took only a few pictures this month. My goal when we gathered for Thanksgiving (on Sunday 11/20) was to get a good picture of the girls (Leah, Amber, Thea and Delila)...well, that proved to be difficult. Here is a sampling of a couple of the better ones. Have a great day!

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