Sunday, October 23, 2011


So here is the run down of the last week:

Joe - Bronchitis: zpak x2 and prednisone
Amber - double ear infection and sinus infection (seriously, who sick baby ever): Amoxicillen
Leah - double pink eye: eye drops (same day x 2hours to get them...with both fun)
Me - HEALTHY!!!!!

This morning we had a family photo shoot. Leah was great. Very cooperative. Amber, well, she is a stubbern one year old. We did get some good shots after we started to bribe her with candy corn. I think we might have a candy corn fanatic on our hands. Excited to see the results. Very happy we chose to do it with an independent photographer instead of at a store studio...especially since Amber was not in a cooperative mood for pictures.

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