Saturday we picked Leah and Amber up for Sara, Mike and Michael's house (they watched them for the night so Joe and I could go see Kenny Chesney - GREAT concert) and took her to gymnastics. After gymnastics we headed to Medina for Thea's bowling party. The girls had a great time. Leah bowled without the "helper" and did great. Amber tried a little bowling, but I think she had more fun trying to climb on the "helper and trying to do what the big kids were doing! Amber finished off her cupcake and even was trying to lick her fingers clean as I washed her up! HAPPY BIRTHDAY THEA!!!
After Thea's party, Leah was still complaining of an earache which had started the night before. So, off to same day clinic for us. After a long wait, we got the diagnosis...left severe ear infection, right mild ear infection. So, off to the pharmacy for amoxicillen. The pharmacist is really getting to know us this winter!
Leah had a rough night, but was feeling well enough, so we were able to go to Morgan's birthday party today. It was at the Cambridge Fire Hall with a big jumper. While the big kids were jumping, Amber tried to steal their shoes! Again the girls had a great time. They were both asleep within minutes of leaving the party!
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