Sunday, March 27, 2011

Weekend of Birthdays

We had 2 birthday parties this weekend for two beautiful 5 year olds - my niece, Thea and our friend, Morgan.

Saturday we picked Leah and Amber up for Sara, Mike and Michael's house (they watched them for the night so Joe and I could go see Kenny Chesney - GREAT concert) and took her to gymnastics. After gymnastics we headed to Medina for Thea's bowling party. The girls had a great time. Leah bowled without the "helper" and did great. Amber tried a little bowling, but I think she had more fun trying to climb on the "helper and trying to do what the big kids were doing! Amber finished off her cupcake and even was trying to lick her fingers clean as I washed her up! HAPPY BIRTHDAY THEA!!!

After Thea's party, Leah was still complaining of an earache which had started the night before. So, off to same day clinic for us. After a long wait, we got the diagnosis...left severe ear infection, right mild ear infection. So, off to the pharmacy for amoxicillen. The pharmacist is really getting to know us this winter!

Leah had a rough night, but was feeling well enough, so we were able to go to Morgan's birthday party today. It was at the Cambridge Fire Hall with a big jumper. While the big kids were jumping, Amber tried to steal their shoes! Again the girls had a great time. They were both asleep within minutes of leaving the party!

Leah is always looking out for her little sis!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Amber's first tantrum

So, I know I shouldn't think it's cute...but I do. It is cute when a just one year old throws a tantrum, just not cute when the 6 year old does it!! We have not been able to change Amber to whole milk since she has been dealing with double ear infections since her 1st birthday. The antibiotics cause the same side effects as lactose intolerance, so we have been advised to hold off until her ears clear up. Well, we have a least 2 more weeks as we just started another round of antibiotics and don't recheck for 2 more weeks. So, we decided, ditch the bottle and move to the sippy cup and give her formula at room temperature (she prefers it warm- almost hot, but I am not going to be warming up milk)! She has done well...during the day! Well, tonight, she wanted her bottle and probably some warm formula. So, she screamed in my lap pushing the sippy cup away, then pushed herself off of me, walked away to the other side of the ottoman (still screaming), got down on the ground with her face on the floor and her knees bent up under her and her hands under her head (still screaming). This went on for a few minutes. She just was not ready to give in! Joe finally picked her up and tried to give her the sippy cup again. She would drink, then scream, drink, then scream. So, we tried our sippy cup with the soft top to see if that would calm her down. Well, it worked. She was still not too sure about it, but at least she stopped screaming, and she drank most of it. Compromise!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

2/27/11 Skating with Thea and Delila, and some other stuff

My mom, Leah and I met Renate (Tiffanie's Mom), Tiffanie, Thea and Delila at the Plymouth Ice Arena for some opening skating. What a fun afternoon. I really can't believe how far Leah has come this year. She has some speed to her now...and she glides!!! It was also fun to see the progress that Thea was making. She's a natural. Plus, I spent most of the afternoon working with Delila. She had so much fun going "fast." She would glide her feet along the ice in a downhill ski motion while I skated fast. She did start to get the idea near the end. I think once she understands, she is going to be fast. Leah and Thea were cute to watch as they tried to "help" me teach Delila. After, we headed to Chili's for dinner. Fun day.

I am happy to report that we now have a healthy household. I spend some time in the Same Day Clinic yesterday. Why, well, it seems I now have a new antibiotic allergy. I started to get the same lovely rash that I was too familiar with during past reactions to penicillin and sulfa, this one is now to Keflex. Fun stuff. Guess I am going to have to just stay healthy, cuz who knows what they can give me now.

Amber is a walking machine. It is so rare to see her crawl anymore. In fact, she will come close to a run when she really wants something. Amazing to me how fast that transition happened. Seems 1 week she was wobbling around, then the next she was a natural as can be. This age is so much fun. She is getting another molar. She does handle it well, but she has had some more crabby times than we are used to, but nothing that baby orajel and tylenol doesn't help!

Leah had a fun weekend. Friday night she spent at Nonna and Grandpa's house and Dan, Thea, and Delila were also there. Can we say late bed time? Then, of course, Leah still gets up at 5:30am. Why, you ask? I have no idea, I wish I could figure out how to turn that internal clock off that tells her to wake up early. Any one now how to teach a 6 year old to sleep in? Saturday morning, Nonna took her to gymnastics where Grama Mary, and eventually Dan, Thea, Deilila, and Grandpa all came to watch. Saturday night, My mom, Leah and I met Deb, Jaci, Kaysee and Kurtis at the Children's Theatre for their new show "Barrio Girl." It was cute. Not my favorite, that is still held by "Babe the sheep pig." We will see next month if "Annie" will take the top spot. So, today, again Leah wakes up at 5:30...seriously. Off to church where we faced a melt down (likely due to fatigue). Finally, after I was able to calm her down, she was quite pleasant. She then fell asleep in the car as we headed to her friend's birthday party. So, she made it home today at about 4:30 and had a low key evening. Hopefully she is not too tired at school tomorrow!

And, as a final note, I just love this project that Leah brought home from school a couple of weeks ago. How I hope they will always be friends!