Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Amber is 11 months

Here is a glimpse at Amber 10-11 months:
First Christmas
First New Year's
First xray - 12/31/10: Nonna thought she swallowed a tack, but luckily you did not
New tooth - 12/23
Loves bath time
Loves playing with big sister
Visit from Grandpa Shorty
Eating more table food
Raises her arms to be picked up
She is standing unsupported for more than a minute
Trying to walk - one, sometimes two steps
Working on using a sippy cup
First molar - 1/13
Waves bye-bye
Still taking 2 naps at home
Doesn't always nap well at daycare: She thinks it is "party time"
Got to try a little ice cream - she LOVED it!
Her laugh and smile are contagious!

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