Amber had to have her tongue tie cut on March 22. On March 18, she just stopped latching on. The doctor had told us that her tongue may be an issue in feeding, but up until this point, we thought she was doing fine. We had thought that she may have been colicky, but it turns out she just was not ever latching on well, and was not getting enough to eat! We had to start giving her a bottle as we had to wait over the weekend to see the doctor to get the tongue cut. She took easily to the bottle, then after the tongue was cut, she still preferred the bottle. So she is now being bottle fed and I am stuck to a pump multiple times a day (which is okay because at least she is still getting the good stuff). Leah loves to be able to help feed her.
My niece Thea celebrated her 4th birthday with a party at Chuck-E-Cheese.
Amber is now almost 6 weeks. She is smiling and cooing. It is so precious. She has been sleeping a bit more at night times. We usually get between 4 - 5 hours, but sometimes only 3. She loves to be held and bounced. She also likes to be entertained by her big sister!
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