Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Our baby is 4 today!

Wow, Leah is 4 today. How she has grown. Some Leah facts:
  • she still loves her "baby"
  • she is lovable, fun, sassy, and sensitive
  • she says her favorite color is pink, green, blue, and yellow- "I like all of them"
  • she says her favorite movie is Madagascar (some things don't change)--she has gone through a Tinkerbell, Cinderella, and Barbie Movie phases
  • she counts to 30, but sometimes mixes up the 20s
  • she spells her name, and is able to "write" it-- meaning she scribbles it and says it is her name (it is really quite adorable)
  • she loves art
  • she plays "waitress"
  • she is a picky eater- very limited fruits/veggies/meats.
  • Fav meals- , PB (no jelly) sandwiches, mac and cheese, hot dogs, and waffles
  • she loves dessert- especially chocolate (hmm..this reminds me of someone that I know)
  • she loves to read and tell stories
  • she loves to wear dresses, she typically insists on picking out her clothes, her current favorite- a black/white dress
  • her favorite singer is still Taylor Swift, and she can sing most of her songs
  • she sings and dances a lot
  • she loves to swim
  • she says "I love you" without being prompted!

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