Leah had her Kindergarten Screen on January 31- which she passed with flying colors, except for the eye exam. So, not thinking it was too big of a deal, I scheduled her an eye exam on her 4th Birthday (I know- cruel, but it worked for our schedules). Well, turned out that it was a bigger deal than I anticipated. She was so well behaved for the entire time that we were there- which was 2 hours!
She was diagnoses with 1. amblyopia, 2. astigmatism, 3. hyperopia.
- So, what that means is that she had such a drastic difference in her eyes, that her brain as turned off her right eye. She will have to wear an eye patch over her left eye for 2 hours per day for at least 4 weeks, then we recheck with the optometrist. This will hopefully "recharge" her neurons to allow her vision to grow in her right eye.
- She sees things blurry.
- She is farsighted, which typically means that a person can't see objects nearby, but in Leah's case, she has weak eyes, and has difficulty seeing things both far and near.
- She has a mild prescription in her left eye, and a significant prescription in right eye.
We got her glasses today. She is not comfortable with them yet. She is constantly adjusting them and wanting to take them off. Hopefully, she will get used to them soon.