Sunday, April 27, 2008

March for Babies

We had a great day for March for Babies today. Thank you to my friends, Beth and Suzy, for joining us on our walk. We missed my mom- still recovering from surgery and Tiffanie (baby due in 3 weeks). I was a bit worried when it was snowing yesterday that it would be a miserable day, but we had sunshine at the temp was around 45 F. The walk was well attended. Leah chose to ride in her stroller the entire time which surprised me as I can never get her to stay in it anymore. She was very scared before the walk when there were 3 mascots walking around greeting people. She was literally crying and shaking anytime they were within 30 feet of her. She was even asking to go back to the truck. This lasted until we started the walk and were about 200 feet from where the Mascots were. Oh, the things that set a 3 year old off!

A HUGE thanks to all those who sponsored our walk. We appreciate it! We were able to raise $690 to support March of Dimes effort to save babies. Beth and Suzy also did an amazing fundraising effort in only a short time. Thanks again!

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