Sunday, March 2, 2008


Last night, Leah decided she wanted to sleep on the floor in her room. She was NOT going to lay in her bed. So, we put her to "bed" on the floor with the plan that Joe would move her after she fell asleep. Joe and I decided to watch a movie, Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (I think I missed a majority of it- guess I will have to watch it again). Although her monitor was on, Leah managed to quietly get out of her room, and this is how we found her when we went up to check on her-
Yep, she's fast asleep in the hallway!
This morning she sang for me while I had the camera on her- a very rare occurrence. Usually she stops immediately when I take the camera out. You will probably have to turn up the volume because she is singing soft in some spots. Please forgive the background noise- Joe was making breakfast!

After completing the videos, she had enough of the camera. She would not let me take a still shot of her in her new adorable dress (Thanks, Nonna) that she insisted she wear to Church today. She is becoming a bit of a dress girl. We'll see where that takes us!

1 comment:

ejarkins said...

Very cute! My mom tells me that I slept in their doorway every night at that age...strange!