Saturday, March 29, 2008


My Mom's birthday was yesterday. We celebrated by going out to eat at Olive Garden. Thank you mom for all you do for us! We really appreciate it!

Our niece, Thea, turned 2 today. This was our first stop today. Leah and Thea had a great time painting and playing. Happy Birthday Thea! Check out the Elmo Cake! Yes, that is a CAKE!
Our friend's daughter, Morgan, also turned 2 today. They held her party at the Cambridge Fire Station where Sean is a volunteer firefighter. Leah had fun riding in a real fire truck. Happy Birthday Morgan.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


We had a very nice Easter Celebration. We spent the day at my parent's house with Dan and his family, as well as Tiffanie's mom, aunt, and sister. The girls were great and really enjoyed the day.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

A week in review

  • Joe spent Wednesday through Sunday in Chicago taking his certification test for Air and Water Balancing

  • Leah, lucky girl, got to spent last Thursday night and Saturday night with her favorite people- Nonna and Grandpa. She did not want to come home after either visit. Leah, Nonna, Auntie Vicky, and Cousin Chris had a play day Friday.

  • Leah and I went to lunch with my college friends (Liz and Jody) on Saturday, after which we took the two girls (Leah and Morgan) to see the Easter Bunny. Both were scared of him and neither would sit with him. Safe to say they wanted absolutely nothing to do with him. I am lucky to work with Jody, so I see her often, but I have not seen Liz since Leah's Baby Shower. It was so nice to catch up.

  • Saturday night I went out to help my brother celebrate turning 35 (Yes, you are 35)!

  • Leah started swimming class on Tuesday- this time on her own with no parent in the water with her. She had a blast and did not want to get out of the water. She liked swimming with "the lady" or Swim Instructor.

  • Leah went on her first field trip today- Bowling. She got to ride the School Bus. This was the highlight of her day!
  • Our friend, Jaclyn, went into the hospital at 8 months pregnant with a kidney stone, it is under control and she is now home on bedrest. Good Luck Jaclyn and Rick! We are thinking of you.


Monday, March 10, 2008

Birthday Fun

We had a great weekend. We celebrated our friend Suzy's 30th birthday on Saturday night. Leah spent the night with Nonna and Grandpa (Thanks so much) while Joe and I went to New Richmond, WI to party. I was a party pooper by going to be at 2am (3am if you consider daylights saving time), while I think the rest of them went to bed around 4 or 5. CRAZY. I played Nintendo Wii for the first time- had a lot of fun. Joe spent about an hour boxing and he is paying for it- his arm/shoulder is sore! We had a lot of fun- great party Suzy!

Joe and I got home around 3pm on Sunday and went to my parent's house to celebrate Dan's birthday. We had a fabulous 4 course dinner- homemade soup, salad, homemade ravioli and meatballs, and cheesecake! Yummy! Thanks, Mom! The girls had a great time together!

Last Thursday, Leah had a run in (literally) with the doll house at school. She has a nice mark on her face to prove it. This picture was taken Sunday (4 days later).

March Celebrations

Happy Birthday:
3/7 - Suzy
3/13 - Cousin Finn
3/15 - My brother, Dan
3/27 - Kathy
3/28 - My Mom, Barb
3/29 - My niece, Theadora
3/29 - Morgan

Happy Anniversary:
3/18 - Uncle Doug and Aunt Sara
3/21 - Uncle Steve and Aunt Linda

Hope you all have a wonderful celebration!

Sunday, March 2, 2008


Last night, Leah decided she wanted to sleep on the floor in her room. She was NOT going to lay in her bed. So, we put her to "bed" on the floor with the plan that Joe would move her after she fell asleep. Joe and I decided to watch a movie, Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (I think I missed a majority of it- guess I will have to watch it again). Although her monitor was on, Leah managed to quietly get out of her room, and this is how we found her when we went up to check on her-
Yep, she's fast asleep in the hallway!
This morning she sang for me while I had the camera on her- a very rare occurrence. Usually she stops immediately when I take the camera out. You will probably have to turn up the volume because she is singing soft in some spots. Please forgive the background noise- Joe was making breakfast!

After completing the videos, she had enough of the camera. She would not let me take a still shot of her in her new adorable dress (Thanks, Nonna) that she insisted she wear to Church today. She is becoming a bit of a dress girl. We'll see where that takes us!