Sunday, February 10, 2008


Left: Leah 3/15/05

Right: Leah 2/10/08

Wow! I can't believe that Leah is already 3. She is excited to celebrate her birthday with her friends and family next Saturday. She has been asking "who's coming to my house" almost daily since we sent out the invitations.

Who Leah is at age 3:

  • Independent thinker (which can lead to poor listening to her mom and dad)
  • Loves to color- markers, chalk, paint, crayons
  • Loves to sing- she even sings to the radio (no kidding, her favorite songs- "Our Song" by Taylor Swift, and "All American Girl" by Carrie Underwood)
  • Trying to avoid taking naps but she still needs one (she becomes very difficult after about 6pm if she has not had a nap)- Currently she is singing "Happy Birthday" to herself
  • Likes to help- cooking, cleaning- when SHE is in the mood
  • Still has a stong hold on "baby" but she will have to loosen up her hold soon as she will not be able to have "her" when she moves up a classroom at School in March (well, except at naptime)
  • Loves swimming and taking baths but hates having her hair washed
  • Does not sit still very long- still difficult to get a posed picture (is this normal?)- it took a lot of patience to get the above picture this morning as she was not going to sit still (bribary was even attempted)! This also makes it a struggle to fix her hair!
  • Her favorite color is pink
  • Loves to shop especially at Target, also loves SHOES (her favorite- fleeced lined crocs)
  • Not a big fan of T.V., but she has been watching it a little more lately. Very little interest in Cartoons, but loves her movies, and watching NASCAR(makes Joe very happy)
  • ALWAYS busy
  • A great communicator
  • "Reads" books
  • Gives the best hugs and kisses!

She has not been feeling well since last Tuesday and her ear started to hurt on Friday. Our conversation yesterday:

Leah: I want to go to the Doctor

US (in surprise): Why

Leah: The Doctor will fix my ear.

Sure enough, she has an ear infection! She also has a lot of wax in her ear, so they tried to clean it out yesterday. I have to say she was a trooper, but she after 5 squirts in her right ear and 2 in her left, she was done. So, we have to put drops in her ear to try to get the wax out. She has her 3 year check on Tuesday, so we will see how we do then!

I will leave you with one last picture- Leah helping to make her favorite breakfast (pancakes) this morning.

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