*She is loveable and sweet
*She is stubborn and strong
*She is independent
*She loves to take baths, but hates to have her hair washed
*She loves her big sister and wants to be with her, always!
*She has to pick out her own clothes (Clothes- 4T, shoes - 10)!
*She has a new bedtime book: "The Great Train Ride."
*She still loves her white blanket
*She knows her colors, basic shapes, alphabet, and can almost count to 20
*She has great speaking skills
*She is extremely social and will start conversations with anyone
*She is doing gymnastics class at daycare
*She just finished her first session of skating lessons and can skate (slowly) on her own
*She will start swimming lessons in March
*She is very active, she does not like to sit still!
*She always wants the t.v. on, but she doesn't sit and watch t.v
*She loves her sweets
*She loves to be tickled (and we love to tickle her because a child's laughter is such a great sound)
*I call her baby still!
Amber's Age 3 interview
Name? Amber
Age? 2 (really 3, but you are
still saying 2)
School? Krayola Kids
Grade? Pre 1
Favorite thing to do at daycare? Sing
What is your favorite color? Pink
What is your favorite song? Jingle Bells
What is your favorite food? Hamburger
What is your favorite thing to do at home? Watch t.v
What is your favorite animal?
Why do you like giraffes? Cuz
I want giraffes at our house
What is your favorite number? 2
What is your favorite book? The
Big Big Train Ride (The Great Train Ride)
Hugs or kisses? Both
What is your favorite movie? Santa
Who do you like to play with? Ella