Tuesday, October 2, 2012

September came and went in a blink of an eye!

Wow, it is so hard to believe that September is over. It was filled with lots of fun activities!!

Leah is back into school mode. She says she likes 2nd grade better than 1st grade! According to Leah, 2nd grade is easier than 1st grade! I think it may be that she has matured a lot since 1st grade! She is busy with school, dance and gymnastics. She is constantly doing gymnastics. She takes apart our couch on a daily basis to use the cushion as a mat (she doesn’t like to bonk her head when she is practicing back bends)!!

Amber continues to make us laugh with her words. I am amazed daily at her language. A recent conversation with Amber:

Mommy: Are you mommy’s baby?
Amber: No, I a big girl
Mommy: Well, big girls go to preschool 
Amber: No, I a toddler. I can’t like preschool. I like toddler room. I like baby room
Mommy: But only babies are in the toddler and baby room.
Amber: I your baby mommy

They have been working on transitioning Amber to the pre 1 room at daycare. However, Miss Amber is opposed to this movement. She soon will not have a say as she moves up at 32 months, and she is 31 months now!!
Amber got to see her first play in September (later in this post), she started gymnastics (at daycare), and she continues to grow like a weed (bought her new shoes…size 10 – her old ones, size 8)!

September in review

9/21/12: Leah had her friend, Riley, sleep over. Luckily they let Amber join them from time to time (I say that like they really had a choice)!

9/22/12: “Duck for President” at Stages Theatre in Hopkins, MN. Amber went to her first play with my mom, Leah and I.  She wasn’t initially coming, but it just so happened Joe was gone (helping up at the cabin with my dad) and Grama Mary was on vacation. So, I thought I would take her along. Jaclyn and Kaylee also came and brought along Kurtis and Kaysee (also her first play). All the kids did a great job for a 7pm show! Amber loved the dancing and singing. Unfortunately, the potty called not once but twice!! She did cause a little laughter when shouting "wake up" about 4 times to the "animals" that were sleeping during a scene when the theater dark and nobody was talking, so Amber’s voice was loud!!!

9/23/12: A gorgeous day, so Nonna and I decided to take the girls to Aamodt’s Apple Orchard for the day. We had a perfect day. The girls ate some kettle corn, apple donuts, hot dogs and caramel apples. They enjoyed picking apples, the tractor ride, hay ride, swing set, hay maze and just general running around. We had just a very nice day!!

9/26-28/12: Last weekend for us at the cabin. Always a sad, sad weekend. What a gorgeous weekend we had. Joe and my dad (with very little help from me) brought in the boat, the dock and the lift. We had a visit from Aunt Sara who helped to keep an eye on Amber as we brought in the dock. The girls and I enjoyed the gorgeous weather and helped where we could. We also went to one of the hotels for a swim as the girls were anxious to swim, but I was really not wanting to swim in the lake (yes, it was nice, but swimming in the lake in Northern, MN in late September does not spell FUN to me). They both got rides on the “4 leller” (as Amber says it). Leah loves riding the wheeler, Amber was hesitant at first, but loved the ride once she was on it!