Tuesday, April 27, 2010


You might have to turn up the volume, Leah's voice is very soft! I guess she is pretending to be shy!

Leah loves to skate

Leah just finished beginning skating- 5 sessions. She absolutely loved it! She did tell us that she doesn't like to fall down- because then she has to wipe off her pants! She did a great job, and I am sure that this is not her last skating lesson!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Amber is 2 months part 2

Amber had her 2 month check up yesterday. Poor baby had to have 3 shots and an oral vaccination. She cried for a good 5 min then slept for a couple of hours, but once waking up, she was not in good spirits! Tylenol helped and now this morning she is back to her happy self!

Here stats:
Weight: 12lbs (80%)
Length: 22.25in (45%)
Head circumference: 14.5in (8%)

Just for fun, here is a snapshot of Leah at 2 months:
Weight: 7lbs 11oz (premie chart 50%)
Length: 21.25 in (premie chart 50%)
Head circumference: 13.75in (premie chart 25%)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Amber is 2 months

It is hard to believe that Amber is already 2 months old. She has lost that newborn look and is sporting the look of a healthy and happy infant girl.

About Amber thus far:

  • She is working on her tummy time and lifting her head. She has some great control and is able to raise her head and turn it while on her tummy.

  • She has started to play with her play mat- kicking the ball and staring at the fish.

  • Speaking of fish- she loves watching her fish mobile while swinging on her swing.

  • She also like to be bounced (manually) while sitting in her bouncer

  • She loves to go on walks. It has been great spring weather, so we have gone on many walks. Most of the time she falls asleep in the front carrier.

  • She still is sleeping in the bassinet at night and usually naps in the swing or bouncer as she seems to have a dislike for the crib- you put her in it, she wakes up!

  • I don't like to talk about this - because it might jinx us, but she has been sleeping about 6-7 hours/night the last few nights. Prior to that we usually could get 4 hours.
  • She still doesn't have any type of schedule. We definitely need to work on this before I go back to work!

  • She loves to take baths- and her sister loves to help.

  • When she is fussy she prefers you stand and walk/bounce her rather than sit with her.

  • She has a beautiful smile that she is showing off a lot which melts your heart and shows off her 2 lovely dimples.

  • She is cooing a lot and telling all sorts of stories! It is fun to watch her discover her voice as her whole body moves to make a sound.

  • She recognizes the voices of mommy, daddy and big sister.
  • Speaking of big sister, she loves it when Leah entertains her by reading to her, singing to her, and teaching her how to play with all of her toys

Sunday, April 11, 2010


We colored eggs together on 3/31/10. Well, I supervised and Amber watched while Joe and Leah designed. They did a nice job.

We celebrated Easter with my parents, Dan, Tiff, Delila, Thea, Renate, Jamie and her boyfriend and his kids, Aunt Anne (Tiff's great Aunt), and 3 of Dan and Tiff's neighbors. We had a nice day. The weather was fantastic. After church, our day was spent at Renate's house. There was tons of food and lots of Easter treats. The kids had an Easter Egg hunt. The girls were so very lucky because the Easter Bunny not only visited our house, but Renate's house as well. Amber and Leah both looked adorable in their Easter outfits.

Easter Basket #1

Our beautiful girls

The fam

Our first photo as a family of 4

Thea, Delila, Amber, Leah

Easter Basket #2

Easter Egg hunt

Joe and I had our first date night since Amber was born on 4/7. We went to see Bon Jovi while Nonna came to our house to babysit the girls. Both girls did great for Nonna and we were able to enjoy a night out at a great concert. Thanks mom!

Some recent statements made by Leah:
"Mommy, how did you get so big back here" as she pats my rear
"Mommy when I get bigger, you will be old"

Thanks Leah (insert sarcasm here)!!:)