Monday, November 30, 2009

What a weekend

So we have been very busy over the last week.

2 points of good news received 11/24...
1. My cervical US showed that my cervix in good length, still curved, and tight- hopefully that means baby will stay put for awhile. Bummer is - Baby girl is still breech. I am having a conversation with her nightly to flip!
2. Leah no longer has to wear a patch. She had a great eye appointment. In the last 9 months she has gone from 20/400 vision to 20/30 (with glasses on). Yeah for Leah. She is so happy.

To sum up Thanksgiving Weekend:

Thursday 11/26-

  • Low - Key Ham Dinner with my parents. Leah spends the night

Friday 11/27

  • Joe and I go shopping (arriving at Target just before 5am). The stars are on our side as we are able to get everything on our list. Lots of savings and good buys. Of note, the last air compressor, the misplaced Handy Manny Work Bench, and the scooter that we had in our hand as the rest disappeared from the shelf.
  • Nonna brings Leah over to Dan and Tiff's to play with Thea and Delila
  • Joe and I wrap all the presents- seriously, we do not have that many hiding places in our house.
  • Joe and I pick up Leah to take her for a shot :(, but she gets to go back with Nonna to Dan and Tiff's for the evening
  • Joe and I crash after making a return and going out to dinner!

Saturday 11/28

  • I pick up Leah to bring her to her friend Anna's Birthday Party

  • Joe puts up the outdoor Christmas lights
  • Leah finishes her Turkey for the Star Tribune Coloring Contest

  • That evening- Nonna, Grandpa, Grandma Mary, Joe, Leah and I head to Minneapolis for the Holidazzle Parade which Leah enjoyed but did not like the loud music coming from some of the floats. Her favorite part of the parade- seeing Cinderella

  • We all go to dinner after the parade and Leah falls asleep as we are eating!

Sunday 11/29

  • Move Leah into her new room. Now we just have to wait for the new furniture to arrive!
  • Joe and Leah finish putting up the outdoor Christmas decorations.
  • Traditional Thanksgiving Dinner at my parents with Dan and his family

No wonder Leah was exhausted- well, and me too! But what a fun and productive weekend!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Friday, November 20, 2009

I can do it

Last week, I went to tie Leah's shoes and she told me, "I can do it, Mommy." And, she did. Leah can officially tie her own shoes. She is getting to be so independent these days. I am sure that will be helpful in about 14 weeks!:)

All is going well with my pregnancy. I am feeling good and getting HUGE! She is moving a lot and I definitely feel her more than Leah. I have another US next week as they monitor for pre-term labor.

Leah is anxious to go swimming outside of her swim class. Which is something I do with her every month or so, until I no longer fit in my swimsuit! She asked me why we hadn't been swimming. I told her because I don't have a swimsuit that fits my baby belly. After some thought, she said..."Mommy I think you should get a swim suit that fits the baby so we can go swimming." A co-worker is going to lend me her maternity suit!

We are busy making room changes in the house and preparing for the new baby. I get to have a day off tomorrow to scrapbook which will be fun. Leah gets to spend some time with Grandma this weekend!

Hope everyone has a great Turkey Day!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween

Leah and I went to a Halloween party at our friend's church on Friday night where I noticed that Leah's eye was a little pink--but she also had not been sleeping well this week--so, I was hoping that she was just tired.

Unfortunately that was not so. She woke up on Saturday with an eye that was still a little pink--but nothing in it, so I was still hoping that it wasn't pink eye. Guess I was just in denial. By the time we were carving pumpkins, the gunk in the eye started!:( So, off to same day clinic we went. While there, also discovered that she had a fever of 101.7. Okay, she had NOT been acting sick!

So, the carving of pumpkins was left up to Joe (okay so that is not much different from previous years). He is pretty talented when it comes to carving pumpkins. Leah still loves the outcome, but not to much into the process. She started to clean out one pumpkin, but only lasted a few minutes because she did not want her hands to get dirty!:) And, she was more interested in listening/dancing to her new Taylor Swift CD we had just bought her at Target!

Even though she was sick, she still wanted to go trick or treating- so I called the grandparents, and they said come on over. Leah was able to trick or treat at Grandma Mary's house and Nonna and Grandpa's house- then home for dinner and early to bed!

Leah also thought that "baby" needed a costume, so Leah dressed up "baby" in her Belle costume from last year!
J0e- Scary face, Leah- Elmo, Baby- Rattle, Andrea- Scull with bow!

So, Leah has now fallen asleep on the couch while watching Dancing with the Stars! We had tried to get her to lie down earlier, but she would have nothing to do with taking a nap. Glad she is finally getting some sleep!